
Hi there, my name is...


A Full-Stack Web Developer.

💻 Working on projects to further my knowledge.
💥 Website Associate @RevLocal!


About Me.

Hi! I'm Aiden Smith, and I've been working with computers since I was young. Starting with a website built to help my brothers and I decide on movies to watch back in 2010.

I really liked to build websites that related to my personal needs back in 2010, and from that, I taught myself how to code. Nowadays, I develope using various languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP. I'm interested in building projects that are helpful, and can teach others. I am currently focused on Web Development, and Discord Server Developement. Furthering my knowledge with different languages and frameworks.

When I'm not working, I enjoy riding motorcycles, or playing video games with my friends! I also enjoy learning new things, and I am always looking to learn more about new & upcoming technologies. Recently I had the chance to work on AI programs to further my knowledge in the field of AI and increase the productivity of users within my company.

Places to find me.

I'm currently developing with my friends at


Developed by Aiden Smith.
Built with Next.js. Hosted on Suro private servers.